Welcome to Top Jimmy® Software, home of two of the best Ping, Traceroute, and Lookup utilities on the 'Net
TJPingPro 2.0
TJPing 3.0
TJPINGPRO 2.0 Over 1900 users have purchased TJPingPro, which has received the highest rating from many of the largest shareware sites on the 'Net! TJPingPro is based on TJPing, but has many added features, such as List scanning, Sequence scanning, an ISP keep-alive autopinger, profiling your addresses, and System Tray support.
TJPING 3.0 TJPing is used around the world by tens of thousands of network experts and novices alike, and has also received the highest rating from many of the largest shareware sitess. And it's FREE!
Take a moment to browse around, check out the reviews of TJPingPro and TJPing, then download and try them out. You won't be disappointed!
Thanks, Top Jimmy
TJPing, TJPingPro, and Top Jimmy ® Software are Copyright © 1996 - 2011 by Jim Dunne. All Rights Reserved. Top Jimmy is a registered trademark of Jim Dunne (reg. no. 2378678). Updated May 12, 2011