TJPingPro Registry Export/Merge Instructions

Cool Van Halen Stripe Bar

Disclaimer - Warning


Messing with the Registry could crash either computer, and make them unusable, if you make a mistake. Always backup the files c:\windows\user.dat and c:\windows\system.dat on BOTH computers BEFORE making changes to the Registry. If you're not familiar with the Registry, don't try the Export/Merge operation yourself - get an expert to show you how. I have used this procedure to successfully export/merge Registry settings from machine to machine in Windows 95/98 only (NOTE: Untested on NT!!), and while it should work for you, too, I make no guarantee of success and will not be responsible for any damage that may occur!!

To Export/Merge your settings, you'll need to open the Registry Editor and navigate to the Registry key

\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Top Jimmy Software\TJPingPro
(to export all settings and hosts), or

\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Top Jimmy Software\TJPingPro\Host Names/IP Addresses
(to export the main host list only), or

\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Top Jimmy Software\TJPingPro\ListScan\Hosts
(to export the List Scan hosts only)

highlight this key by left-clicking once on it, then go up to the "Registry" menu and select the "Export Registry File" menu item. When you get the "Export Registry File" dialog box, type in the name of the file you are going to create, select a location to save the export file to, save the file as type "Registration Files", and under the "Export Range" option group, make sure "Selected Branch" is selected (otherwise you'll export the entire Registry). Let's say you call your export file tjpp.reg.

Then you put tjpp.reg on a disk, take it to your new machine, right-click your mouse on the file, and select the "Merge" option from the pop-up menu. This will place the settings from TJPingPro into the Registry on your new machine. It will not affect the settings on the old machine.


Updated March 18, 2011