TJPing by Jim Dunne. Copyright © 1996-2008. All Rights Reserved.


v. 3.0 - July 1, 2008
- Allows up to 5000 pings in a row.
- New Continuous Ping feature - loops until canceled.
- Output can now be printed directly from the Results window.
- Export/Import feature allows saving your settings to disk.
- Integrated Windows style help file now included.
- Code recompiled and optimized in Visual C++ 2008.
- Major GUI update to fully configurable Visual Studio .NET 2005 style. Several toolbars added.
- Some dialog windows changed to web-based dialog boxes.
- Updated email address and website URL.

- The Log is now written in Rich Text Format (RTF), and should be viewed with an RTF viewer (WordPad, Word, etc.).  The Log file extension now defaults to .rtf...if you rename the Log file, it should end in .rtf.  If you have a current log, you should delete it and rename your log file with an RTF extension.

- TJPing 3 is primarily for Windows XP and Vista, with Internet Explorer 7, although it should work in older Windows versions. MSFTEDIT.DLL (the new Microsoft Rich Edit Control v. 4.1) must be installed in the system32 folder or TJPing.exe folder.  It is installed automatically by Windows XP Service Pack 1, 2, and Vista.  Also, you can download a copy at the TJPing website.

v. 2.0 - February 16, 1998
- The "Host:" drop-down list can now be sorted.
- The "Set Options" dialog box now shows correct font for non-English versions of Windows.
- The host and time/date are shown for each operation so that log results will reflect this information.
- Host deletion and log functions added to popup menu.
- Updated email address and website URL.

v. 1.9 - September 3, 1997
- Updated interface- remembers all sizing and configuration options.
- Right mouse button support added for main status window.
- Now shuts down smoothly in the middle of a ping, trace, or lookup.

v. 1.8 build 2 - July 29, 1997
- Fixes a bug in the main status window

v. 1.8 - July 23, 1997
- Accelerator keys added for most of the menu functions
- Now has "sticky" window - remembers its size and position from session to session.
- Now displays all IP addresses for the local machine.

v. 1.7 - June 18, 1997
- Allows packet sizes up to 5000 bytes.
- NT and Win 95 now look and function identically.
- Replaced status window with a Rich Edit box - now allows color and unlimited text entry, vs. black and white and 32k text limit on old box. Right mouse button doesn't function yet in new status window (I'm working on it!), but all accelerator keys (i.e. Ctrl + C for copy, etc.) function.
- Allows user to specify the Don't Fragment Packets option - this keeps packets together, provided the packet is equal to or smaller than the Maximum Transmission Units (MTU) specified for your machine. This is usually 1500 bytes. If the packet is bigger than this, you will get an error message.
- Allows up to 99 packets to be sent at a time.
- Log is now time/date-stamped every time the log is enabled - not just at startup.

v. 1.6 - June 3, 1997
- User can manually set packet data - the data size edit box automatically adjusts to reflect the packet data size.
- Allows logging. User can set the log file name.
- Allows user to look at the data returned by the host, if desired.
- User can now delete the current host only, if desired.
- Can warn user before deleting any or all entries - user sets this option.
- Modifies pre 1.5 Registry entries to current format on startup.
- Opened # of Packets and Timeout edit boxes for direct user entry.
- # of Packets limit increased to 50. # of Hops increased to 255.

v. 1.51 - May 21, 1997
- Packet size restricted to 285 bytes - temporary fix for memory problem when size exceeds 286 bytes.
- Timeout increased to up to 99 seconds

v. 1.5 - May 12, 1997
- Now displays all IP addresses on Lookup (for example, has 13 IP addresses).
- Finds DNS aliases (for example, has alias name
- Reworked all Registry access code - now remembers unlimited number of hosts.
- Changed "Clear All Hosts" to "Delete All Hosts".

v. 1.4 - May 9, 1997
- Program now installs using WinZip Self-Extractor
- Enters the last Host used from the previous session to the "Host:" box in the new session.
- Remembers last 30 hosts from session to session, up from 10.
- "Clear All Hosts" button added - deletes all entries from "Hosts:" box and from the registry
- Fixed a problem where short IP addresses would cause the RTT and DNS Name columns to not line up when doing a Trace.
- Explicit "Ctrl" accelerator key coding disabled for NT, which doesn't need it.
- Fixed a memory leak when using the "Exit" pushbutton on the main dialog screen.

v. 1.3 - May 4, 1997
- Now allows keyboard Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo operations on the Host and results boxes by using the Ctrl key (i.e. "Ctrl+C" for Copy).
- When performing a traceroute, the "Contacting host..." line now displays the IP address (and the DNS name, if a DNS name is entered
by the user originally).

v. 1.21 - April 27, 1997
- Fixed a bug with the status box where new text was being entered at the site of the last edit instead of at the end of the box.

v. 1.2 - April 26, 1997
- The results text in the status box is now editable.

v. 1.1 - Jan 23, 1997:
- Program now opens maximized on startup

Jan 13, 1997:
- Fixed scrolling problem in status list box under NT 3.51

Jan 7, 1997:
- Function buttons are disabled until a successful local lookup is done on startup
- OS Version is no longer displayed on the status screen at startup
- Under NT, the main menu is without the "Set Options" item

Dec 20, 1996:
- Main title changed to reflect the version number
- Now detects the operating system and makes adjustments for NT
- Corrected button tab order
- Now allows tracing when a host can't be reached

DISCLAIMER: This program is freeware and is distributed "as is". No guarantee is made about the program - use at your own risk. The author will not be liable for any actual or claimed damages arising from its use.

RESTRICTIONS: Anybody can use TJPing - it's freeware. All I ask is that you don't decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or sell it.


Win 95 - Winsocks v. 1.1 and WSock32 v. 2.2
NT 3.51 - Winsock v. 1.1
NT 4.0 - Winsock v. 2.0

The file ICMP.DLL must be installed in the "c:\<windows root>\system" directory. This file is automatically installed by Windows.


Updated July 22, 2008